
For my next recipe I’ve chosen frikadeller which are a special type of meatball that come from Denmark. If you have ever had meatballs at IKEA they’re a bit like those.
Normally I would have them with pasta and some ketchup but in Denmark people eat them all sorts of ways – hot, as part a a Christmas buffet, cold as part of a picnic, and even as the topping on an open sandwich

500g pork mince
1.5 tsp ground salt
80g flour
1 egg
200g onion
150ml milk
0.25 tsp pepper
15g margarine
1 tbsp cooking oil (for frying)
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In a mixing bowl, mix the meat well for 2-3 minutes.
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Chop the onions finely. Then mix all the remaining ingredients together until the mixture has a consistent texture.
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Let the mixture stand in the fridge for half an hour.
Now separate the mixture into individual meatballs about 4cm round.
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Fry the meatballs in hot cooking oil for about 2 minutes on each side until they are browned.
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Then turn the heat down and simmer for another 4 minutes on each side until they are thoroughly cooked.
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By now, if you are like me, you will be getting really hungry at the smell.
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When they are ready, dish them up with whatever you decided to have them with. I like frikadeller and pasta.
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The only bad thing about them is that once you start eating, they don’t last very long.
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If you make a lot of frikadeller you can freeze the spare ones and have them another day. Just defrost them and warm them in the oven at 200 degrees C.
Or, if you have another member of the family who might like them, you could share. I gave some of mine to my dog, Mr Pup.
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I think he liked them.
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7 Comments Add yours

  1. Nanny Pat says:

    Another winner George – looks like a hit with all the family .
    Could I use turkey or chicken mince instead ?


    1. Hi nanny. I haven’t tried cooking with chicken or turkey mints but let me know if you try.


  2. Eve says:

    Well done George, you are a star. Recipe sounds wonderful. I’m sure Mr. Pup thinks so anyway.


    1. Mr.Pup loved them! Thank you for reading my blog.


  3. CBR bound says:

    That looks great George, well done. To think that all the time we lived in Denmark we only bought the ready-made ones from the shops. And all the time they were really easy to make! Hope you enjoyed eating them. Daddy xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for doing this! What a great project! I am American, half Danish ancestry, and we’ll enjoy having these recipes.


    1. You are very welcome. It was a long time ago now but thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoy the frikadeller.


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