
I chose pebernødder as my first recipe as it really reminds me of Denmark. We usually had pebernødder at Christmas. They are delicious biscuits with cinnamon and ginger in them. They also have pepper in them but don’t let that put you off — they are delicious. Pebernødder means ‘pepper nuts’, but even though they have pepper in them, there are no nuts. Maybe it’s because they are small and crunchy, or because they look a bit like nuts when they are cooked. Anyway, here is how to make them:

You will need:

  • 125 grams of  butter
  • 125 grams of sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 275 grams of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 0.5 teaspoon of ground ginger
  • 0.5 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 0.75 teaspoon of ground cardamom
  • A pinch of white pepper

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Whisk the sugar and butter together — this was hard to do because the butter was cold and lumpy, maybe if you melt your butter a bit first you might find it easier.

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Add the egg and mix in the ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, pepper, baking soda and flour, and knead it all together with the sugar and butter.

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After lots of kneading, it should look like this.

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Roll the dough flat, then cut it into strips the thickness of a finger.

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Then cut the strip into small pieces and roll them into small balls.

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Put them on grease-proof paper on a baking tray and bake them at 200 degrees C for 10-12 minutes.

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After about five minutes they start to smell really good.

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When you take them out, you really want to eat them but they are super hot, so let them cool down for a bit first.

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When they are cool, you can put them in a bowl and share them with your family and friends. Or just eat them all.

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Now you have had a taste of Denmark, and I bet you can’t taste the pepper, can you?

(Edited on 16 May because in the recipe I wrote instant yeast instead of baking soda because I translated it wrong from Danish. It’s fixed now.)


27 Comments Add yours

  1. Anna Vladeva says:

    Hello George,
    I’ve never tasted Danish food and I am looking forward to reading your recipes and see what a Danish dish looks, smells and tastes.


    1. Hi Anna, Thank you for being the first person to write to me. I have just published my first recipe. You should try it. It’s really easy and really yummy. Bye for now, G


  2. CBR bound says:

    Well done G. Your pebernødder were very tasty and I’m looking forward to your next recipe 🙂


    1. Thank you very much daddy, I really liked your comment and I look forward to hear your next one.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sally Walsh says:

    Hi George, I’m going to make these for our boys soon and I’ll let you know what they think. You make them sounds delicious! Lots of love Sal xx


    1. Hi Sal thank you very much for writing. If you think the boys would love these, just wait till you see my next recipe — I’m cooking it now. Say happy birthday to Cammy for me. Love from George.


  4. Nicola Sullivan says:

    Sounds delicious George. Keep up the good work. X


    1. Thank you very much. I will make some more and bring them to football. xx


  5. Birte Andersen says:

    De ser meget lækre ud George 🇩🇰👍🍽


    1. Tak Birte. Jeg savner dig 🙂


  6. Tiffany says:

    These look delicious. I’m going to try and make them this week. Thanks for sharing!


    1. I hope they turn out well. If you get stuck let me know and i can maybe help. love from George.


  7. Trish says:

    Ooh they look so good! I bet your whole house smells delicious when you have those in the oven 🙂


    1. Hi Trish. Thank you for looking at my web page. The house smells lovely. You must cook this recipe because mummy says you are a really good cook. xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Trish says:

        Hello again George! I had all the other spices but realised I couldn’t make these without pepper so I’ve just been to the shops. Can’t wait to try them!


      2. I just came home from school and saw your comment, and you forgot to get pepper hahahaha. They taste really good I bet you’ve already made them since this was four hours ago but thanks for letting me know and let me know how it goes and if you like them. From George.


  8. Hi George, these sound really good! Thank you for sharing them. I’m interested in the texture – are they quite crunchy? Looking forward to your next post!


    1. Hello, actually when they come out of the oven they are soft (and really hot) but if you let them cool down they become crunchy and that’s when there the best. Thank you for reading my blog. From George


  9. Steve Cooper says:

    Hi George, I’m definitely going to have a go at baking these. I’ve got a funny feeling that Shep and Twix will watch very carefully. Well done champ, great blog.


    1. Thank you very much I think Shep and Twix will be very jealous and I look forward coming in September. xxx


  10. Pat cooper says:

    They look fab George – can’t wait to make them . Well done


    1. Thank you very much nanny they taste delicious and I look forward seeing you in September. xxx


  11. Christiane says:

    Wow George! Very very nice 🙂 Can’t wait for your next recipe! Miss you


    1. Thank you very much I miss you and I miss your beans. It seems funny that you are reading my recipe when you are already such a fab cook. Lots of love to you all from George. xxx


  12. These sound great George – but, you know, I’d rather like to taste some pepper. Are you sure I won’t?


    1. Well they do taste a bit spicy but I don’t think the pepper stands out that much, it just helps the over all taste. But tell me if you think you can taste it.


      1. Spicy is good ! Will do, George.


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